The Wings of Fire series is a beloved book series written by author Tui T. Sutherland. Unlike other book series, it is pretty long, consisting of several novels, but still enjoyable, as there are fans looking forward to any news regarding the next book in the series.
At the time of writing this, there are fifteen books in the main series, separated into three arcs. Each arc consists of 5 books, and now fans are wondering if there will be a Wings of Fire book 16 or not!
The author is open to the idea of continuing the book series and beginning the fourth arc with the next book. However, there hasn’t been any solid information in this regard.
In this series, dragons reign supreme. The world is separated into two continents that are home to dragons. There are humans, but they are mainly considered inferior by the dragons, and most view humans as food. The two continents are Pyrrhia, which is home to seven tribes, and Pantala, which is home to three tribes.
In the main series, there are a total of three arcs. The books explore the stories of dragonets who are young dragons. These dragons are supposed to fulfill a prophecy, which is never easy.
Along with the main series, there are two books in the Legends series and four in the Winglets series, which involves a collection of short stories in each book.
As of today, The Wings of Fire series has sold over 14 million copies and has a large and dedicated fanbase. The last book in the series, the fifteenth book, was released in 2022, making fans look forward to any updates regarding the next book.
Will There Be A 16th Book in the Wings of Fire Series?
There have been talks about a fourth arc in the Wings of Fire series. The official Wings of Fire book 16 would begin the 4th arc in the main series. However, as of yet, there hasn’t been any information about when the next Wings of Fire book will be released.
In fact, we don’t even know if the author is working on the book or not, as there hasn’t been any update from her side either!
Apart from the books in the main series, the author, Tui T. Sutherland, has also written two spin-off series set in the same universe.
The “Wings of Fire: Legends” series comprises two standalone novels that feature different perspectives on major historical events, while the “Wings of Fire: Winglets” series features 4 short stories focusing on several secondary characters that appeared in the main series.
If there is no new book in the main series, the author might write a new title for one of these spin-off series. However, we should just keep our fingers crossed and wait for an update from the author herself!
Is There A Wings of Fire Book 16 Release Date?
Since we don’t know if there will be a 16th book in the Wings of Fire series, there is no release date either.
There have been no updates as to the status of the book either, but based on Sutherland’s past publishing schedule, fans should expect an announcement sooner rather than later.
Is the Wings of Fire Series Complete?
The first book in the Wings of Fire series was published on July 1st, 2012, and has been going strong ever since. It is still considered to be an active series with no end date in sight as of January 2024. And as long as the author herself doesn’t confirm that the Wings of Fire series has ended, it’s safe to assume that the series is ongoing!
Fans have that fact to look forward to as they wait for news of when the next official book in the Wings of Fire series will finally be published.
Until then, rereading the books already out there will have to suffice until an official announcement.
The Wings of Fire series is an epic fantasy series featuring dragons and is targeted toward children. However, this doesn’t mean adults can’t read or enjoy the series. Plenty of adults enjoy children’s or young adult books, and Wings of Fire is one such series that is loved by both children and adults alike.
Over the past decade, Sutherland’s series about dragons has been gaining fans, and thankfully, it doesn’t seem like it will stop anytime soon. It might be a long wait until the Wings of Fire book 16 comes out, but there is a high probability that it will be released eventually.
Until it comes out, you can read the entire series once again or pick up one of the several other books featuring dragons to satisfy your cravings for a fantasy series about dragons!
Also Read: Fourth Wing Book 3 Release Date